JUBAN Tシャツ(アイヌ文様タイプ)
14,300円(税1,300円) 〜 15,400円(税1,400円)
JUBAN Tシャツ(アイヌ文様タイプ)
14,300円(税1,300円) 〜 15,400円(税1,400円)
Shi bun no Sanの人気商品の一つであるJUBAN Tシャツ。


半世紀にわたってTシャツを作り続けてきたメーカーさんとのコラボレーションによって生まれ変わったJUBAN Tシャツは、素材選びから、カッティング、縫製まで、熟練した日本の職人ならではの、きめ細やかな心配りを各所に施しています。


JUBAN T-shirts, which are created in collaboration with manufacturers who have been making T-shirts for half a century, take care of everything from material selection to cutting and sewing, which is unique to skilled Japanese craftsmen.
It has a round body with no seams on the sides, so it is very comfortable to wear.
You can see the fit well when you wear it.

〇素材:衿  ポリエステル 100% 


〇素材:本体 綿 100%



単位( cm )


"The charm of tradition, for an everyday style."
A juban is a type of undershirt that is worn under a kimono called a nagajuban. The collar has a han-eri, which can be seen when wearing the kimono.

We have taken this concept and simplified it a bit, designing the JUBAN T-shirt to be worn as both an undershirt and a regular T-shirt.

Wearing JUBAN T-shirt instead of nagajuban

The Japanese style collar design of the JUBAN T-shirt gives a unique Japanese-esque to everyday fashion. This item blends traditional kimono or yukata collar styles with modern components, harmonizing Japanese tradition and contemporary fashion magnificently. For those who love Japanese culture and design, the shirt’s collar makes this shirt worth choosing due to it beautifully expressing the characteristics of Japan.

Being made in Japan, they are made with an emphasis on durability and comfort with the cooperation of manufacturers that have been involved with T-shirt production for many years. By working closely with experienced manufacturers, who are skilled in using special materials and are able to produce high-quality finishes, we are able to create products that can be loved for a long time. Focusing on both durability and comfort, we are offering comfortable and sustainable quality, delivering something of a special value to our customers.

The JUBAN T-shirt has a cylinder-cut design with no side seams, which allows for a natural fit when wearing. Since there are no side seams it lets the shirt go along with any body type, providing comfort and easy movement while maintaining its natural shape. It is great for all genders when dressing casually as it has a simple, smart look to it while still providing a sense of a comfortable fit.

The T-shirts are specially designed and finished with the help of T-shirt manufacturers that have been in the industry for half a century.

The cylinder-cut design allows us to not add seams, making the shirt comfortability to wear its distinctive trait.
This design was based on the desire to reduce the amount of extra fabric that comes out in the cutting process so that it does not go to waste.

This concept is also true for making a kimono.
A kimono is made using a rectangular piece of cloth (a “tanmono”) that measures approx.36 cm/14" in width and 12m/39ft in length.
The patterns are different compared to Western clothing. Since there is no cutting, all of the excess fabric is in the seams of the kimono so no fabric is wasted.

You can wear this shirt casually by itself. Or you can add a nice jacket or cardigan with it for a more semi-formal look. It can also be coordinated with a kimono or samue by wearing it as an undershirt. The JUBAN T-shirt can easily be dressed up or down adapting to a variety of styles.

Material: 100% cotton (T-shirt and collar material)
Available in five sizes: S, M, L, XL, and XXL.

*Men’s sizing
*Might slightly shrink when washed.
When used as an undershirt for a kimono or similar, a just-fit shirt will make the collar look neater.

The shirt is great for all genders, just be aware that the sizing is in men's.